Monday, February 25, 2013
If you missed it, which ya'll probably did, I run. I run a lot. It's a goal. And a passion. And maybe an obsession. I've gotten so carried away with the sport that I have been entertaining the idea of running a Ragnar. Don't know what a Ragnar is? It is a relay race. Consisting of 12 teammates. And 200 miles. Yup. I am just that crazy. Funny thing is, I received a text from a friend last Tuesday. A friend of said friend had a runner drop out of their Ragnar team at the last minute and they needed a replacement. I immediately got butterflies in my stomach. I tried to think of everything I would need to do to make it happen. The race was just 3 days later. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized it would be an insane attempt. I was not worried about the race itself, just everything else. Who would watch my kids on Friday when the race started? The mr. couldn't take off on such short notice, so we would need a sitter. To watch four kids. Four CRAZY kids. Nene had a dr. appointment on Friday morning (or so I thought... that was an awkward visit). Who would take her? I had already committed to a race on Saturday. One that another friend was helping to host. Wouldn't that be unfair to her? And I had the Phoenix Half Marathon the next weekend. What if I got injured during the Ragnar and couldn't complete the Half? So I said no. And for the first time in a long time, I felt a twinge of regret. Friday morning dawned. And I was a little sad I wasn't out there running with the best of them. But I will have my opportunity next year. Besides, I got to support my friend's 5k race. I was the second female to cross the finish line with an overall time of 25:39. Not a PR, but good enough. Let's just pretend there were hundreds of runners and not just 28...

Jess, yes. I colored the value boxes in. Because I am a dork.
2 of 12 races in my quest for one race a month for a year. My 3rd race will be this upcoming weekend...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
THIS happened. In Arizona. Some may argue it was just HAIL, but I firmly believe that if I can ball it up to throw at someone, it qualifies as snow... Our yard was entirely WHITE.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013
The mr. and I made a joint decision a couple of weeks ago: no Valentine's Day gifts. I usually try to be that super cute wife. You know. The one that goes all out. Scavenger hunt. Dinner from scratch. Homemade dessert. Surprise gift. But I have to be honest... after four kids, I am kind of tired of topping myself every other holiday. So I called a v-day pass. The mr. agreed. He is not a fan of trying to make each Valentine's Day more spectacular than the last. Which I may or may not demand. It was agreed. No gifts. None.
Moving on. The Monday before v-day, I am in tears by the time the mr. comes home from work. Miserable day. Just awful. So he says, "I was going to wait to surprise you, but you need it now. I have a four day weekend coming up. I took Friday off of work so you can go to the spa to get a massage. And I already arranged for a baby sitter for Saturday so we can go out on a date. Happy Valentine's Day". Shut up. I cried.
Fast forward to Valentine's Day. I see everyone receiving lavish gifts via Facebook and Instagram. I possibly get ridiculously jealous of a couple of people. I want breakfast in bed. And flowers. And a new camera. Mid-mope, I remember that the mr. and I had decided not to do gifts. And that he got me gifts anyway. He got me gifts. HE got ME gifts. What did I have for him? Nothing. More moping. While I was having a pity party, I come across an idea from a friend. Light bulb. I grab an extra pack of blank note cards that is stashed away in the desk and begin scribbling away. The mr. came home to find this:

Friday, February 8, 2013
I have no clue what I have been doing for the last two weeks. Something? Nothing? I don't even know. February is usually just a "survive" month. The month that I most frequently crash and burn. This year has been pretty good. Maybe it's because I know to expect the blues, so I haven't really had them. I'm not nearly as productive as normal (hence the lack in blogging). And my poor husband probably can't remember the last time that I cooked dinner. But I am generally content, so I'll worry about the responsibilities that come with being an adult at another time. For now, I just want to enjoy playing on the floor with my kids and frequent trips to the zoo. I have finally slowed down a bit and it feels nice.