Six months ago, my friend and I tried to take our 9 littles camping for a couple of days. And we failed miserably. Most people thought I'd throw in the towel at such an attempt (you know... without a man). Never. I am too stubborn and strong. So, without much planning or preparation, we did it. We headed out Monday morning of October Break with little more than a tent, some food, and our sleeping bags. We found a GORGEOUS location just north of Payson at Flowing Springs and hiked our gear in before making camp next to the East Verde River. The kids were in heaven. While we established our campsite, the kids were playing next to the river, catching crawdads. After lunch, we went on a little hike and happened upon a picturesque rope swing near the water. Further down the path, we found a rock fall and the littles proceeded to throw any and every rock they could get their hands on into the river. We returned to camp and the kids were able to roam and play near the river and the rope swing. Rocks. Sticks. Bugs. Just a perfect adventure. The only dent in the experience was when my baby screamed intermittently throughout the night. Other that that minor infraction, this was our greatest camping trip yet.