My middle two had birthdays last week. Girlfriend turned 5 while Mr. Mischievous turned 6. SHE is smart, sassy, and silly. Loves pink, girly things and her sister. My little shadow. HE is curious, goofy, and playful. Loves ninja turtles, dinosaurs, and superheroes. Love his dimples. Both are a handful and like to press each others buttons - yet they generally remain the best of buds. My little hazel-eyed hooligans.
Got some birthdays to blog about, but a quick shout out to my oldest three for finishing another year of school. Can't believe it's summer already. 10 weeks until they go back (plus one little) - not that I'm counting or anything...
Fail on posting earlier about Easter. I have too many photos to NOT share, so here we are. Easter. Back in mid-April. We did a bunch of Eastery things. Like egg hunts. And dying eggs. And Easter baskets. As far as I can recall, it was great. Minus some awful gluten free baking experiences. But that's in the past now...