I've tried to slow down this last week. I've NEEDED to slow down this last week. More often than not, I feel as if I'm in over my head with everything that I try to take on. As a result, last Monday ended up being a very difficult day for me. A day where I felt as if I were breaking. I've slowly bounced back, but I am starting to reassess my priorities. Family will always come first. Always. But I am considering giving up on other interests. Like photography. We'll see what happens... So this last week. Feeling broken. 100th day of school. Surprising the littles with a trip to the movies. Easy [educational] entertainment. Napping in the car during school pick-up. Saturday morning cartoons. Doting on our baby nephew.
Two weeks ago, we decided to make use of the holiday off from school and work to take the kids on a little adventure; we went hiking in the Superstition Mountains. The trail started out easy enough but, at about a mile in, it started to climb. A half mile later, we were scrambling UP to finish the last leg of the hike. It took quite a bit of effort to get all six kids to the end of the trail, but we did it. We were able to explore the Wave Cave for a bit before making the trip back down. I had a babe on my hip 90% of the time in either direction, so I most definitely got my workout that day. Only a few tumbles down, but we walked away feeling like it was a good experience.
We've had another busy week with a few adventures thrown in. Six kids means that we almost always have something to do or are on the go. Hiking the Wave Cave in the Superstitions. Playing princess and pirate. Pediatric well checks. Looking for books at the library. Play date with a friend. Trip to Flagstaff in a snowstorm. Entertaining each other before church.
I'm still questioning why I took on this challenge. Especially given the fact that my computer recently decided that it wants to run slower than molasses whenever I try to edit images. Or do anything on the internet. So... that's fun. But week number two is in the books. It's been a fun one. Going back to school. Trying to fly a kite on a windy day. Discovering a new park in the Superstitions. Riding the carousel at the Phoenix Zoo. Making homemade pizzas with friends. Celebrating our January birthdays. Birthday boy (one day early).
The start of a new [even] year means the start of another 365 project. Last time, all photos were in black and white. This year, I am occasionally incorporating color. I am equal parts excited and nervous. This is such a big undertaking, but the professional growth and captured memories are well worth it. So our first week. Basically a week about survival. Root family bonfire (and fireworks!). Playing outside. Shopping with six kids. Trip to Bearizona with friends. Going to the movies with Mimi & Papa. Picking out cupcakes. Birthday girl.