Now that school is out and we are into our first full week of summer, let me blog about what we did during the teacher walkout... On Thursday, I took the kids down to the Capitol to see the magnitude of the teacher walkout. It was incredible. On Friday, the mr. took the boys on a Fathers & Sons campout, so I took the girls out on a Mommy/Daughter date. We went shopping and out to eat before snuggling in at home to watch Beauty and the Beast. On Monday, we spent a lot of time playing in the backyard on our swing-set. On Tuesday, we got to play with a neighbor and her adorable puppy, Luna. On Wednesday, when we thought the walkout would come to an end, we did a full day at the zoo. The weather was a tad bit cooler and overcast, so several animals were more active than usual. And on Thursday, we played next door for hours with a bunch of neighborhood friends. Water squirters, popcorn, power wheels, ice cream, and so much more. It was difficult at times to keep all six entertained, but we tried to make the most of our time together. We definitely made some great memories.