Super fast share because, well, I want to spend time with the mr. We are in crunch time over here, trying to get SO MANY THINGS done in the next week or two before school starts. It's sheer madness. I hope to finish editing my Cali pictures soon to share. And then girls camp. Seriously. All the things. We started last week as usual and then I was whisked away to camp for the rest of the week. Swimming with some of our favorite cousins. Gearing up to travel to YW girls camp. Practicing our skit for skit night. Enjoying being around a campfire. Channeling my inner Katniss. Saying farewell to the forest. Attending a baby blessing in Maricopa.
Fast post because I am out the door for a five-day camping trip with the Young Women (pray for the mr. who is staying home with the six littles solo). Last week was our adventure to California - post forthcoming. The week started out with an anxiety attack when our washing machine broke down. You know. A WEEK after replacing the AC. Fuuuuuun. Dealing with anxiety. Riding the ferry to Balboa Island. Sharing snacks at the beach with friends. Enjoying an ice cream treat. Surfing the waves (of sand). Visiting Cabrillo Marine Aquarium. Playing with the sweetest baby nephew ever.
Last week was difficult. We kicked off the week with our AC going out on Monday and had to drop a pretty penny on a new unit. And now today, our washing machine broke. So morale is super high. Just kidding. It's low. So low. But soon I'll be sinking my toes in the sand and that's just about the only thing that can cure my current woes. As for last week, we survived. Getting my hair done. Cooling off with a portable AC unit. Watching a crane lift our new AC onto the roof. Crying for the umpteenth time. Serving lunch to homeless people with Mimi. Getting teeth cleaned at the dentist. Going to church on Sunday.
Late. It's been a hell of a week. AND IT'S ONLY WEDNESDAY. As I was getting my hair done on Monday, the mr. texted me to let me know that our AC wasn't working. Not good if it's the dead of summer. And you live in Arizona. Long story short, we had to replace the entire AC, but that didn't happen until today. Who knew 48 hours could be so long... I won't bother getting into the difficulties that we faced - it's just not worth it and better left in the [recent] past. But it was hard. And caused me to be late posting my 365 photos. So last week. Watching the last Harry Potter movie (since the oldest finished reading the last book). Looking through all of our Chatbooks. Celebrating the 4th of July. Playing with puzzles at the library. Competing in Minute-To-Win-It games for Friday Fun Day. Hiking with lifelong friends in Prescott (after a botched run). Keeping a balloon afloat while jumping on the bed.
Last week, we had a MAGICAL Friday Fun Day. Seriously, I'm still giddy over how well this one turned out. It was our Harry Potter party, complete with spell books, mandrakes, and Bertie Bott's beans. We invited some good friends over (with their five awesome kids) and had them enter via Platform 9 3/4. We stopped by Ollivander's for some custom wands, Three Broomsticks for butterbeer, and Honeydukes for licorice wands, troll boogers, and every flavor beans. We uprooted mandrakes and decorated our wands. We watched the first Harry Potter movie and practiced casting spells. It was such a fantastic night.
I've got an awesome post coming BUT I wanted to post 4th of July pictures while everyone is still feeling all patriotic. We pretty much always spend Independence Day the same way each year. Ward pancake breakfast in the morning (where my kids sing Yankee Doodle). Inevitably run errands for ingredients to make dessert. Swim at my parents' house in the afternoon. Go to the mr.'s parents' house for our annual picture and a BBQ dinner. Finish the day with neighborhood fireworks, family, and friends. I love our holiday traditions.
Plus some bonus photos from the last few years. 2018. 2017. 2016. 2014. 2013.