Last week was spent finding balance and calm. There was also a lot of savoring of these two littles who are not yet in school. They are my world and I am enjoying this time that I have with them before they are whisked off to school with their older siblings; I am excited for the adventures we will go on. Last week. Playing with mom's Japanese umbrella. Working out. Entertaining each other during after school pick-up. Going to the library. Visiting the aquarium on a whim. Playing golf with Papa. Reading on Sunday afternoon.
A few weeks ago, before the start of school, we found ourself with a free Saturday available. Desperate to get out of the heat, I proposed a day trip to Prescott, which the mr. [shockingly] agreed to. We packed a lunch and hopped into the car with a destination in mind. A fatality on the highway meant that our travel time was longer than anticipated, but we braved the bumper to bumper and made it there with enough time to spend an afternoon by the water. And to my surprise, a life-long friend had had the same idea with her own family, so we coordinated an otherwise unlikely meet-up. Our kids had fun playing in the water together and skipping rocks across the lake (aka throwing rocks AT the lake). It was a simple and carefree afternoon.
Okay, but my heart SOARS with these two images above. I have known this little girl's mama my entire life and have pictures of us playing together at these respective ages.
Last week was an emotional rollercoaster. It started off well enough, but spiraled out of control quickly. Most of the week was spent dealing with more anxiety than I have faced (at once) in quite a while. In fact, I am still recovering. Needless to say, things are looking a lot different than I had anticipated and I am learning to embrace it. All I can say for sure is that self care is invaluable. And that I have been surrounded by understanding and supportive people. First day of school. First day of school. Dealing with overwhelming anxiety. Embracing my emotions. Wearing [new] glasses for the first time in 16 years. Pool party with biological family. Playing hopscotch after church.
One of our favorite summer activities, by far, is our annual glow stick swim party. Each year, we invite a different family for a night of food, friends, and frolicking. Lame alliterations aside, it really is one of the best nights of the summer. We eat and play until well after dark. And the moment the sun even hints at nearing the horizon, we pop dozen upon dozens of glow sticks and throw them into the pool. Then it turns into a swimming scramble to see who can collect the most. This is one activity that never gets old and we had a blast two weeks ago with some of our favorite people.
Whoa. I am tired. First day of preschool is in the books and I'm pretty sure this will be an adjustment. In addition to mothering six kids, running all the miles, and tutoring kids in China, I am now teaching two preschool classes, four days a week. I love it, but boy am I wiped. I literally fell asleep at my desk while editing these pictures today. It was awesome. But last week was magical. We're in that special place where summer and school coincide. Plus unicorns. Meeting teachers Monday night. Enjoying an end-of-summer treat. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Greeting new friends for preschool meet-the-teacher. Showing off a new cereal. Jumping into the pool without floaties. Sitting reverently for stake conference.