Late, again. No good reason other than exhaustion. Distressed. Roasting hotdogs for cub scouts. Sporting a fresh cut. Aiding a wound. Playing with a cousin at the zoo. Enjoying a family get-together. Primary program. Short and sweet because this week just got unexpectedly heavy.
It has been a week of adventures, soaking up the summer sun while we still can. Diving into the pool. Remembering 9-11. Playing at the zoo splash pad. Digging for dinosaurs. Splashing in the Salt River. Honoring our favorite veteran. Goofing around in new pajamas.
Now that I am home and settled from my trip, life is just moving along like normal. I haven't posted my trip yet, but likely will soon. All of the emotions. Here is my week in photos. Navigating the Denver airport. Playing games together. Checking out Mimi and Papa's RV before their trip. Practicing the trumpet. Splashing on a 100 ft long slip-n-slide. Tubing at the lake with friends. Reading books together after church.
I'm late in posting. Monday I was on a plane and then crashed hard when I made it home. And then yesterday was busy with preschool and jumping right back into the swing of things. But here we are. It was a crazy week last week with errands, outings, and travel. I went to Colorado to meet biological family, but that's a post for another time. Swimming after school. Going out with the oldest. Starting to play a new instrument. Looking for preschool books at the library. Flying to Colorado (that plane ended up not being my plane. long story). Hanging out with my birth mother and her birth family (she is also adopted). Four [biological] generations of women (five living generations with my own girls).