After the family gathering winds down, we generally return home and spend the afternoon dying eggs together. We have tried a variety of methods over the years. This year was the first time that we tried a store-bought egg dying kit. I was quite impressed with how vibrant the colors turned out!

Easter morning, the kids get their baskets. Nothing too over the top; they usually get a couple of treats, a little toy, bunny crackers, and a new book. This year, the big four got new scriptures with scripture cases and the girls got about a dozen Jojo bows to share (if you don't know what a Jojo bow is, consider yourself lucky. They are ridiculously overpriced ginormous bows. I beat the system and got mine from China for about $1 per bow. Easter miracle #1). After the excitement of opening Easter baskets, we attend church. We then spend the early afternoon with my family for an Easter dinner and egg hunt. We kept it really simple this year, which was perfect. Easter miracle #2? A dove decided to roost on top of my dad's ladder and there were two perfect, little eggs in the nest.