I feel like it has finally dawned on me that school is starting soon. Normally, I spend summers counting down the weeks as they slowly trickle by. This summer has been different. I 've counted nothing. Maybe because our lives have become pretty monotonous due to covid. We haven't been on the adventures that we normally go on. I haven't engaged the kids in educational activities the way I have in the past. As a result, the summer sort of flew by in my mind. And here we are, just now trying to prepare for remote learning. Having a new supervisor to oversee work. Traveling to Tuzigoot after an errand in Cottonwood. Building a cat tower for the kitties. Buying headphones and notebooks for school. Paddle boarding down the Salt. Reading with a new friend. Playing family games on Sunday.
Our lives have been unexpectedly consumed by something new: pets. On the 15th,
our family welcomes two kitties into our home. Lumos and Nox. It's been quite an
adventure, but what better time to do it? With no vacations or extensive outings
planned for the forseeable future, it just... fit. Being goofy. Early morning
laps. "Gotcha Day' for our kitties. Watching Hamilton and playing on tablets
while helping kitties get familiar (they will never adapt to SIX kids. Same,
cats. Same). Discovering new things. Love and play. Building simple machines
I really feel like I just keep posting more of the same, old thing. Normally, I am counting down the days of summer and throwing in some fun activities to pass the time. But we've passed almost the entire summer without thinking of how many weeks left until school starts. Now it's just a matter of IF school starts. We've had structure and we've had growth, so I'm not too worried at the moment. Watching Hamilton AGAIN and doing jewel painting. Last of the eye exams for the kids. Utilizing Art Hub to learn to draw. Trying to maintain a fitness routine to stay healthy. Celebrating National Kitten Day the best way possible. Practing diving techniques. Paddle boarding with my top two.
HALF WAY. I hit the half way mark and couldn't be happier. You know what else that means? We are also at the half way mark for the year from hell. I never realized I could spend such a significant amount of time in my house. Visiting the optometrist. Being photographed by my five year old. HALF WAY DONE WITH 365. Throwing a tantrum. Watching the much anticipated Hamilton. Eating ice cream after swimming. Prepping food for better healthy habits.
Oops! Watch me fail at posting weekly images... Giddy over a new hair color. Packing for our California vacation. Playing at the beach. Playing at the beach. Playing at the beach. Playing at the beach. Playing at the beach.
Back in January, we booked an Airbnb for our annual trip to California. And then coronavirus. For weeks leading up to our vacation, we debated on whether or not to go; we didn't know if our rental would cancel or if beaches would close again. Ultimately, we decided that the weather alone would be worth it. And was it ever worth it! Our house was a few houses to the beach on one side and a few houses to the bay on the other. We walked everywhere - and barefoot, at that. We'd take our time getting ready for the day and then spend the first few hours at the beach. Once more beach goers started to trickle in, we'd grab our things and walk over to the bay to play for a bit. We were able to run and play and stay safe distances from others. We never felt rushed. Instead, we slowed down quite a bit and mainly enjoyed the rental, with open windows and salty air. We made paper dragons and did diamond paintings. We watched movies together and ate picnics on the patio. It was a much needed reprieve for our family.