Elementary school choir concert. Jr High band concert. Playing football at the retention basin. Planting winter flowers. Packing candy bags for the homeless shelter. One of Mimi’s cuter than cute kitty cats.

Elementary school choir concert. Jr High band concert. Playing football at the retention basin. Planting winter flowers. Packing candy bags for the homeless shelter. One of Mimi’s cuter than cute kitty cats.
Gingerbread houses at Activity Day. Crazy boys doing a polar plunge. Millennial Choir performance with my SIL. Ward Christmas party nativity.
Neighborhood Thanksgiving celebration. Turkey Trot with my best friends. Swig on Saturdays. Belated turkey dinner with my parents.
For the past 13 weeks, I have had the opportunity to serve as one of two choreographers for our school's 5th and 6th grade performance of Newsies. I was able to work alongside two incredible individuals, Chelsea (who directed) and Kim (who also helped to choreograph). Between the three of us, we have taken turns directing the last 9 or 10 plays at the school (with another friend, Cari, who has done costumes for our school's plays for the last 10 YEARS). I think it is pretty safe to say that when the three of us work together, incredible things happen. Newsies has been one of my favorite shows to work on; the casting, costumes, and sets were all just... perfect. And though we felt COMPLETELY unprepared just 10 days shy of opening, we somehow pulled it off spectacularly, selling over 1,000 tickets for our three performances. I am going to miss seeing my mini me shine in the role of Hazel and surprising everyone we know with her sudden tap dancing skills. I can't wait for the next one!
Earlier in November, I had the opportunity to attend Science Camp at Prescott Pines with my cute 5th grader. Aside from a little bit of parent drama and ridiculously cold (below freezing) temps, it was a fun experience for us both. While I hardly took enough photos, sis got to experience SO MANY fun activities. Zip line. Trebuchet. Chair games. Dodgeball. Archery. The Eliminator. Human Fuseball. Nuke 'Em Volleyball. And so much more. The best surprise was that she ended up in the same group as her besties, even though they all have a different teacher!