MAY 9th - MAY 15th
Making creative crowns. First ever solo paddle to prove to myself that I can. Favorite first grade teacher of all time. Hiking Usery with my best friends (hike 17/52).

MAY 9th - MAY 15th
Making creative crowns. First ever solo paddle to prove to myself that I can. Favorite first grade teacher of all time. Hiking Usery with my best friends (hike 17/52).
MAY 2nd - MAY 8th
End of the year orchestra performance for our viola player and cellist. Helping in my 1st grader's class. Playing with Disney World bubbles. Taking a swing at the piƱata at our ward fajita party. Church Mother's Day gifts.
APRIL 25th - MAY 1st
Last appointment with braces for the oldest! Braces free. Desert Botanical Gardens with the mr. (to help my mental health). Receiving a trophy at district for Poston's NAL achievements at Nationals. Zoo field trip with my second grader.
APRIL 18th - APRIL 24th
First paddle of the season with my long-time friend/boss. Attending my niece's AMAZINGLY AWESOME wedding reception (where I happily danced the night away). Running Pat's Run with my oldest and my best friend. Swinging at the park with my dad (which was so random but I never want to forget this moment).
Aside from my OCD manic search for the PERFECT Easter outfits, our Easter was extremely low-key. So low-key that we skipped dyeing eggs and kept Easter baskets and Easter dinner sweet and simple.