For the last several months, my two oldest boys have been participating in National Academic League. Last year, my oldest acted as captain of the team and led them to Nationals, where they were finally defeated in the Semifinals. This year, though not captain, my oldest was joined by his next older brother on the team. Again, our school went undefeated for the entire season - this year often having winning margins of well over 30+ points. And again, our team made it to Nationals. This year, however, the team made it to the National Finals.The FINAL game. I cannot even begin to express what this game - the match to determine the TOP SCHOOL IN THE ENTIRE NATION - felt like. It was a whirlwind of emotions, a rollercoaster of plays. Throughout the entire game, our team was neck and neck with their opponents from Utah. All of the friends and family in attendance were on the edge of their seats the duration of the game. Each point scored elicited silent gestures of triumph while each point missed caused a new wave of nerves. The tension in the room was palpable. It wasn’t until AFTER the final buzzer had sounded that the last two points were awarded… to Utah. Utah had been in possession, so ultimately the game was theirs in the end. 58-60. But because of this - because possession had been theirs and there would have ultimately been no other conclusion to the match - we can safely say that our students are every bit as intelligent and quick witted as their opponents.
I’m not going to lie, there were quite a few tears from students, parents, and coaches alike. That defeat stung; had the game gone a minute longer the outcome could have ended in our favor. Despite the defeat, I am INCREDIBLY proud and INCREDIBLY grateful. Words aren’t enough to give justice to everything that the coaches pour into these magnificent kids. I’ve watched their growth for the last two years and I am beside myself for everything this journey has meant for my oldest two boys.
When students are in 5th grade at our elementary school, they have the opportunity to participate in an event called YesterYear. YesterYear is a day dedicated to engaging in activities similar to those of the pioneers crossing the plains. Students eat "buffalo" stew and biscuits, decorate tin quilt squares, learn how to square dance, ride on a wagon, pan for gold, practice shaving, make beaded bracelets, play pioneer games, and are taught quilt making. Clad in bonnets, aprons, and vest, the student spend an entire day taking part in YesterYear activities and often walk away with positive memories from the event. This year, I was able to volunteer as a group chaperone. I enjoyed following my daughter around as she participated in the various activities and learned more of what life was like as a pioneer. So grateful for our incredible school and the phenomenal teachers who go above and beyond for their students!