And then I had a daughter.
Piercing her ears never crossed my mind in the first few months. At 3 months, I dismissed the idea. It just wasn't time. But on Wednesday, at just a few days shy of 4 months old, it hit me. I felt it was finally right. So yesterday, without hesitation, I headed to Claire's. I picked out some CZ studs. Held her tightly on my lap. And watched as my little girl got her ears pierced. She hardly cried. I think she was more angry at me restricting her head than hurt from the sting of the pierce. When I arrived home, I bawled like a baby. Not because she had been in pain. But because I felt as if I had taken something away from her. Her beauty was completely uninterrupted. Flawless. Pure. And I changed that. It is ridiculous, I know. But I was so upset that I came close to taking the studs out and allowing the holes to close. Now that she has had them for a day, they are growing on me. I don't feel quite so bad. Definitely was not expecting to have such an emotional reaction.

I know not everyone agrees with piercing babies' ears. We are each entitled to our own opinions. If you are offended or upset, I ask that you please keep it to yourself. Negative comments are not nice.
i'm not against babies having their ears pierced. i think it looks really cute on babies! we didn't the girls any, i didn't get mine until i was 12. we will let them decide when they are older. she is a cutie! matching! love it!