I am slacking a bit on when I post. Something came up Tuesday evening. I can't even remember... Anyway. This last week has been full of random, little things. Preschool. Visitors. Outings. Even a photography session. I am the crazy lady that pretty much picks up where she left off after having a baby. Good thing my recoveries are a breeze, otherwise this wouldn't be possible. My favorite image of the week: two are tied for my weekly favorite. January 31st - Horsies. I took all five littles to Princess Park last week for a play date with some friends. The park backs up against horse property so, naturally, that is where the kids wound up. They even had a equine friend come visit them at the fence. The second favorite image of the week: February 3rd - Sweet Treat. We were going to go to Yogurtland that evening to celebrate National Frozen Yogurt Day with a free frozen yogurt. But the line was wrapped around the building. No way. Not with five littles. I pitched the idea of Nielsen's Frozen Custard. We pretty much had the place to ourselves. The kids were wonderful. The food was wonderful. The experience... well, you get the idea. LOVED it. Proof to the mr. that we CAN take the family out with relatively no stress.
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