Another week has flown by. Guys, I am not sure if you are aware, but the year is already a third of the way over. Seriously. WHEN? Anyway. Major events of the week: Fathers & Sons and Pat's Run. Obviously, I did not go to Fathers & Sons. That would just be awkward. Instead, I had a "sleepover" with Nene. It was so much fun - until we got to the sleeping part. Why is it that imagination vs reality is so different in that department? The thought of snuggling up with my best little friend just seems so magical in my mind. In reality, she is kicking or hitting me once every hour all night long. I was wide awake at 2:15am thinking the morning had come. Sigh. When the morning DID come, she and I set out - with the baby - to Pat's Run. I am sad that I didn't run it this year, but I was glad for the excuse of pushing a stroller when I thought of training for the race. The weather could not have been any more perfect. And whether running or pushing a stroller, 4.2 miles is 4.2 miles. My favorite image of the week: April 24th - Happiness. Big Ben (not sure if this nickname will stick) was just smiling away at his Daddy, so of course I love this shot. Not to mention, the lighting was lovely.

That beautiful bouquet? My husband bought it for me last night. For absolutely no reason other than because he thought of me.
April 24th is my favorite image, too! Love that yummy light.