Hi there. I've had every intention of posting some extra stuff this week but clearly that didn't happen. Meh. Sorry. Next week? This week has been rough. Not sure why. Probably finances. Birthdays. Halloween. Christmas. They are all looming over me and, with five littles, it adds up quickly. Sort of makes me want to cry. Oh, and that AWESOME storm that brought 5.5" of rain the other day? Caused our roof to leak. And it is looking as if neither home warranty nor home owners insurance wants to cover the repair. They are claiming "normal wear and tear". Right... We may have to pay for a new roof before the holiday season. So that's fun! My favorite image of the week: September 6th - Playing With Daddy. This babe is such a happy guy when he is being held by daddy. This photo is particularly special because I literally took TWO photos the entire day and this just happened to be one of them.
Puddle Jumping is my fav. Sorry about your roof :/