75%. I am seventy-five percent completed with my 365 photo challenge. Inconceivable. I have enjoyed browsing through my photos from the past nine months, reliving certain events. And I am definitely looking forward to having a professionally printed book made when the year is finished. Even if it means dropping a pretty penny (I love you, husband). My favorite image of the week: September 30th - Mr. Five. This kid is a nightmare to photograph. I mean just look at THIS picture. The fact that I was able to snag a photo that made it look as if he didn't want to kill the camera is no less than a miracle.
What the monkey, right? Well, we went to the zoo and that mandril was sitting right up against the glass. As Nene was standing right in front of him, pointing him out, he attacked the glass. Kept making threatening gestures at her. It was intense.
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