Honesty time. It has been suuuuuper difficult to follow through with the end of this semester of preschool. Excruciatingly difficult. So we've simplified or skipped more days than I'd like to admit. Take, for example, our liquids unit. I had to force myself to follow through. On our best preschool day that week, we did a number of awesome activities. I'd love to tell you it was fun and carefree, but that'd be a stretch. By the end of our lessons, I was about in tears from stress. But hey, at least the pictures turned out great. And that's all that really matters, right? Just kidding.
How was this stressful, you ask? A highly OCD mom + kids playing willy-nilly with food coloring = unimaginable stress...
Leigh, I did it with only Owen and I totally get the stress. :)