The Friday before last was our own version of the Olympic Games. Truth be told, the littles ALMOST didn't earn it, so we procrastinated planning until the night before. When it became clear that Friday Fun Day was still on, I browsed Pinterest for a few ideas. A quick trip to Walmart and $15 in pool noodles later, we were ready. I crafted a torch using card stock and tissue paper. I assembled medals using patriotic ribbon and york mints. I taped several pool noodles together to create the Olympic rings. Once the mr. arrived home from work, we jumped right in. We started with a torch relay around the yard, giving each the opportunity to carry the torch from one person to the next. After the torch made it to its final resting place for the Games, we blared the Olympic Fanfare and Theme and proceeded with the parade of nations. Six little American flags fluttering around the yard. At the conclusion of our opening ceremonies, the athletes were ready for the Games to begin. First up was the javelin throw, where each athlete aimed to toss a noodle through any hoop in our Olympic rings. Second was the obstacle course, where athletes had to do a quick step through the Olympic rings, crawl under two noodle arcs, run through the sprinklers, weave through noodle posts, crawl under two more noodle arcs, and cross the finish line. Third was the ring toss, where our athletes threw noodle rings whist trying to ring one of two posts. And finally our soccer match, where each athlete aimed to score as many goals as possible in a series of noodle arcs. Though some dominated our Games, all participants were given the opportunity to stand on the platform with flag in hand and awarded a medal. It was a night we won't soon forget.

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