A month ago, I surprised my littles with a trip to the snow. What an adventure that turned out to be. I purchased puffer jackets this year, knowing sweaters were not enough to keep us warm last year. I borrowed snow boots, knowing tennis shoes soaked immediately in the snow. And I doubled up on gloves, knowing frozen fingers put a quick end to any fun. We were fully prepared. I even purchased a couple of sleds when we hit Payson. What I didn't anticipate was a lack of snow. Payson - no snow. Pine - no snow. On top of the Rim - no snow. It was such a let down. Instead of returning home, I headed west for Flagstaff. Slowly, we began to see evidence of snow. It wasn't until we were on the road for Snowbowl that there were decent amounts. Up the mountain we headed. We circled the lots at the top a couple of times before settling on a spot. We ate a quick lunch in the car and then donned our gear. The kids had a blast. Throwing snowballs. Making snow angels. Playing snow tag. We played for about two hours before the cold finally got to us and we were ready to leave. I love this tradition of ours - and I love that the mr.'s sister is part of it.

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