slept in until 8, then ate donuts for breakfast
took our time getting ready for the day
made lunch, slathered on sunscreen, and loaded the cars (sans mr.'s sister)
3 mile drive to South Mission Beach
boogie boarding, picnic lunch, and sand castle crashing
headed home after a few hours at the beach
mr.'s sister and I drove 12 miles to the Daiso in Clairemont
purchased some MUCH desired Japanese goods
drove back home and chilled
had my mom's local friend over in the evening
BBQ grilled chicken for dinner
card games for the mr., the mr.'s sister, my parents, and myself

woke up at 7 and had back & eggs for breakfast
made lunch, slathered on sunscreen, and loaded the cars
drove 15 (!) miles to Silver Strand Beach on Coronado Island
collected shells, made mermaid necklaces, found sand dollars
flirted with the freezing cold water
played at the beach for a few solid hours
drove back home and chilled
had a couple of long-time family friends over in the evening
ate hamburgers & chips for dinner
card games for the mr., the mr.'s sister, and myself
cried myself to sleep since it was the last night

woke up at 6 and had muffins for breakfast
packed our belongs and cleaned the rental house
parted ways with my parents
drove to the San Diego temple - CLOSED on Sundays
back-tracked to the Mormon Battalion Historic Site
went on the tour and panned for gold
stopped at Mission Bay for an ocean-side picnic lunch
hopped in the car and made the long drive home

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