Still going strong. Actually, I received inspiration from a friend today that I may incorporate with my photos in the future. I also intend to include photos of myself on days where my anxiety gets the best of me. Let's be honest, I often feel like a hot mess. But there are days where my anxiety overwhelms me to the point of having full-blown anxiety attacks. I feel that this needs to be seen. Visually. There are two reasons for this: first, social media gives us this false illusion of people and their "perfect" lives. I have received comments on how happy my kids are or how skinny I look and I'll say this now - it's bullshit (yes, I swear). I know
when and
how to capture the better moments; it is not for a lack of equally negative ones. TRUST ME. Second, I think that there are quite a few other people experiencing this overwhelming anxiety, so I am speaking up about it. It is real. It can consume you. And that isolated feeling that often accompanies it can be crippling. So I want to open up. I want you to see me as I am, not just the better side of me. Anyway, here's our week. Crying over a busted lip. New dens for cub scouts. Climbing at the park. Flying paper airplanes. Field trip to the Commemorative Air Force Museum. Cheering on team USA in the Olympics. Handling another anxiety attack.
February 5th - February 11th
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