Things are on the up and up. I'm filling preschool spots for next year. I'm getting more Chinese students for early morning classes. And I'm feeling like our routine is mostly back to normal. BTW, I TEACH KIDS IN CHINA. It still blows my mind. Slowly but surely, I'm getting use to my new schedule of waking up in the wee hours of the morning, but the drawback is going to be early at night. I absolutely love what I do - the kids are great, the lessons are great, the WHOLE THING is great. It's just difficult hours. We'll see how I feel when my contract is up at the end of July... Anyway, last week. Back to school, back to drop-off/pick-up routine. Picking out flowers on the first day of spring. Exploring a new park. Early morning scripture study. Racing cars at the Pinewood Derby. Participating in the Pride Run. Dancing in pretty dresses.
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