If you are on social media, you got a big dose of Leigh last week. I had a ridiculously intense anxiety attack at the doctor's office, which resulted in me being a hot mess. Things are fine and I'm no worse for wear, but I was NOT ready to hear that I need a slew of tests by a specialist because, well... money. time. energy. Things that I don't have to spare. Then again, health. So I am sucking it up and moving forward with the prescribed tests. I AM FINE. Just to be clear. But having an autoimmune disease means that I probably should have been seeing a specialist like a decade ago. Not even kidding. Oops. Last week. Ditching her afternoon nap. Crying over a doctor's appointment. Supporting our teachers. Marching to the Arizona State Capitol. Gearing up for Fathers & Sons campout. Doting on the girls while the boys are away. Taking the oldest to the Capitol for RedforEd.
Just shy of two weeks ago, it hit 100° in Arizona. Welcome to the start of summer. To celebrate survive, we headed over to my parents' house for the first swim of the year - complete with popsicles and all. While the youngest two were independent swimmers by the end of last summer, it's going to take a few swims to get those floats back off. Meanwhile, the big kids were in heaven flying off the edge of the pool. Me? I only got in waist deep and spent a majority of time in my parents' new hot tub. Because I am a pansy...
365 photos. Picking up the littles after school. Anxiety attack/overwhelming exhaustion. Wearing red to support our teachers. Working on the crossword with Papa. Fender bender. Running another PR for Pat's Run. Celebrating Earth Day.
I swear, there are not enough hours in the day for all of the things that I want/need to do. I aim to edit and upload my 365 images on Monday, but it's generally at the expense of some other task that needs to be accomplished. This is why I never sleep... Our week. Climbing up the slide. Coloring in our coloring books. Eating popsicles before the first swim of the season. Reading books at the library. Waiting for sodas at The Soda Shop. Heading off to Cub Scout day camp. Crying over a broken necklace.
With the holidays being over, we are back to the normal routine. Playing with friends. Posing for the camera. Swinging at the park. Looking for books at the library. Feeding turtles at the zoo. Attending birthday parties for friends. Going to church on Sunday.
Easter was just over a week ago and SURPRISE! I am already posting about it. I'm telling you, I'm beginning to balance all of the things. But summer is coming, so I've got a solid month before I'm knocked back off balance again. Life. I made sure Easter was pretty low-key this year; I've hyped it up too much in the past and that just raises expectations. We dyed eggs with shaving cream. Each little got a ($10) basket of goodies plus a book. We had our annual egg hunt at my parents' house. Happiness, all around.