If you are on social media, you got a big dose of Leigh last week. I had a ridiculously intense anxiety attack at the doctor's office, which resulted in me being a hot mess. Things are fine and I'm no worse for wear, but I was NOT ready to hear that I need a slew of tests by a specialist because, well... money. time. energy. Things that I don't have to spare. Then again, health. So I am sucking it up and moving forward with the prescribed tests. I AM FINE. Just to be clear. But having an autoimmune disease means that I probably should have been seeing a specialist like a decade ago. Not even kidding. Oops. Last week. Ditching her afternoon nap. Crying over a doctor's appointment. Supporting our teachers. Marching to the Arizona State Capitol. Gearing up for Fathers & Sons campout. Doting on the girls while the boys are away. Taking the oldest to the Capitol for RedforEd.
Leigh, it sounds like you are in good hands. I know that you are being watched over and that prayers from the whole country over over being sent your way. Love you.
Leigh, it sounds like you are in good hands. I know that you are being watched over and that prayers from the whole country over over being sent your way. Love you.