But first, why. And how.
Almost fifteen years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to Mozambique with a small humanitarian organization called Care For Life. I spent nearly a month volunteering in orphanages and building huts in communities; it changed my life entirely. I got my BS in Geography because my experience in Mozambique gave me an even greater love for the earth and for the variety of cultures found throughout the world. So, since I was 20 years old, Africa has had a part of my heart.
Fast forward to October of this last year. My biological cousin (from the botched snow trip) texted me and asked if any of my children had their passports. I laughed. Nope. She then posed a hypothetical question: if my oldest daughter had a passport, would she and I like to accompany my cousin and her daughter on a safari? Her daughter, the same age as my own, is OBSESSED with The Lion King and my cousin wanted to take her on this once in a lifetime adventure. Of course my answer was YES! But financially, there'd be no way that I could justify it with my family.
Now let me just stop right here for a minute. I have been incredibly blessed throughout my life with some amazing opportunities. A marine biology study abroad in Mexico. Volunteering for a month in Mozambique. Visiting one of my best friends in Japan. I KNOW I've had good fortune smiling down on me. But nothing compares with what happened next.
"If you didn't have to worry about financial..." WHAT. Was she implying what I thought she was implying? No way! My brain couldn't even fathom the offer that she was granting. But she was. My daughter and I were able to travel to Kenya for ten days because of one of the most selfless gifts that I have ever been the recipient of; at no cost. There is no way that I will ever be able to express enough just how grateful I was for this opportunity, not only for myself but for my daughter as well. The memories made will fill our hearts for a lifetime.

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