the hit of humidity upon walking off the plane ○ car upgrade to an Impala ○ roosters in the Target parking lot ○ driving around the island ○ corner room at the resort with a view ○ wrap around balcony ○ spotting a whale from the car! ○ hiking Waihee Ridge Trail in a cloud ○ forgetting my tennis shoes and hiking in sandals ○ finding a horse! ○ driving the North Shore of West Maui (never again!) ○ cliff drives on one lane roads ○ seeing chickens, goats, and mongooses ○ Honolua Bay Lookout ○ quick stroll along the beach behind the resort ○ Slaughterhouse Beach in the rain ○ blowdrying everything off after visiting the beach (including my camera) ○ tunnel tree vibes on the road ○ Papawai Point and seeing a baby whale! ○ visiting Maui Ocean Center ○ the Humpback Whale Sphere ○ kalua pork tacos, spam musubis, and a dole whip ○ trying to visit beaches, but so much rain ○ Honolua Bay Trail ○ hiking through mud ○ facing off with a rooster ○ Olowalu fruit stand ○ apple bananas, dried fruit, pineapple belts, and Maui honey ○ second stop at Papawai Point and more whales ○ Ho'okipa Beach and the 10 giant Hawaiian green sea turtles ○ the awesome parks & rec guy telling us about the turtles ○ lunch from Mana Market in Paia ○ tamari chicken, roasted potatoes, and jasmine rice ○ driving through Wailea and Makena ($$$) ○ La Perouse Bay and lava field beaches ○ Ululani's Shaved Ice ○ passion fruit, guava, and pina colada with haupia cream ○ whale watching excursion ○ hearing humpback from a hydrophone ○ a whale going under our boat ○ just BEING with the mr.
I'm sad that there are a few bucket-list items that we were unable to get to on this visit, such as Road to Hana, ziplining, Olivine Pools, and, well, just getting into the water. The weather was not in our favor and flooding wreaked havoc on parts of the island. But that gives us reason to return, right? Despite weather set-backs, I am so grateful that we had this opportunity. I know things are difficult given the pandemic, but never once did we feel that we were at risk nor were WE a risk; Hawaii is on top of covid-19 precautions. I just wish more places would follow suit...

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