MARCH 21st - MARCH 27th
Grabbing a delicious drink with a long time friend at her sister's drink shop (beach coconut is pretty much amazing). Performance week for Aristocats! My number 5 getting baptized by his dad in the company of family.

MARCH 21st - MARCH 27th
Grabbing a delicious drink with a long time friend at her sister's drink shop (beach coconut is pretty much amazing). Performance week for Aristocats! My number 5 getting baptized by his dad in the company of family.
My "Nat-Nat Kitty Cat" got her opportunity to shine onstage in her school's 3rd & 4th grade rendition of Aristocats. Cast as "Hep Cat" (and the only girl of the main alley cats), she was on stage for a decent portion of the play AND even had a few lines/solos. Though I didn't direct the play this time around, I had the chance to be involved through designing and painting the sets, as well as helping as a stage manager during several of the performances. I am so grateful for an elementary school that gives students such an awesome opportunity to perform!
MARCH 14th - MARCH 20th
Nationals at ASU for National Academic League (win!). Team picture after competeing in the semifinals (loss...). Dental appointment for the entire family (and the one pictured taking the longest because an apparatus broke down while he was getting his teeth cleaned).