state-line signs * flat, boring landscapes after leaving AZ * my keycard not working for our motel room in Whites City * CARLSBAD CAVERNS * all the gluten free treats from Unrefined Bakery in Fort Worth on the way to Allen * reuniting with long time friends * Perot science and nature museum * lunch at Company Cafe with AMAZING gluten free fish and chips * going to the wrong Target for a drive up order * my friend's delicious chili * taking a walk along the neighborhood creek * playing "Pooh sticks" at the little bridge * one of my friend's kids pushing the other into said creek * visiting Buc-ee's for some Texas style snacks * eating dinner with our friends at Terry Black's BBQ * letting the boys stay the night with friends * girls night (plus the mr.) doing snow globes, painting crafts, and face masks * me perpetually next to the fireplace when at our Airbnb * going to Fort Worth for the cattle run * shopping at stockyard station * discovering a family member of my biological father was right across the street from me at the cattle run... after the fact (so close!) * visiting Allen High's football stadium (the largest in the nation) where Kyler Murray played * dinner at our friends' house * driving through rain, sleet, and snow to New Mexico * visiting Roswell to kill time before checking into our hotel * waking up to 19° temps * seeing a herd of pronghorn on the side of the highway * taking a different route home for the fun of it

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