FIFTEEN YEARS. I cannot even put into words what it feels like to hit this milestone. The most prevalent feeling is HOW? How has it simultaneously felt like we’ve always been together while also feeling as if we’ve blinked and made it here? How did I know fifteen years ago, at the age of 21, that I picked someone so good and so pure without having known him for more than a couple of months? How have we weathered so much together - with kids and with my faith - without it ever really feeling like a storm? But then I look at him and I just KNOW. I know that he is the right in my world. That he is what holds me together when I am falling apart. I know that he gives and gives and gives of himself in so many ways - no. In EVERY way. And I know he makes me whole. I look back on this picture and smile at the nerdy, skinny boy that he used to be. How most of the time he was awkward and timid at every step of the way. But then I look at him now and all I see is his confidence, love, and dedication. And I fall apart in all of the good ways. He is too good for me and I’m grateful for him every. single. day.

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