We all know that I am a little bit crazy. But I may have outdone myself a few weeks ago. I've made it a tradition for my kids to play in the snow each year around Christmastime because, well... it's just magical (until it's not - and we walk that fine line every year). We tried TWICE after Christmas, but Arizona decided to be hotter than hell and refused to dump any white, powdery snow until well after the New Year. Finally, after weeks of waiting, snow was in the forecast. So we decided to make the trip up to Flagstaff one more time. Weather predictions changed, as they always do, and the start of snowfall kept getting pushed back later and later. Being the
persistent stubborn person that I am, I did not allow this to deter us. This resulted in us driving to Flagstaff in the first SNOWSTORM of the season. Something that neither I nor my husband has ever done. It took four long hours to make the trip up north. What started as rain quickly turned to snow. Between the black ice, accident-related delays, and piling snow, we decided to cut our trip short. We stopped long enough in Flagstaff to grab a bite to eat and use the restroom before making the return trip home - we hardly felt like being stuck overnight due to inclement weather. Looks like we are going to have to try again next year.
Let me just note that there was ZERO snow on the ground when we left home in the morning. AND that a plow had just cleared the parking lot 2 minutes prior to the last set of photos...
Leigh, that sounds like you’ve experienced thicker snow than even we have out here. At least in one dumping. Goodness, what a day for you!