Friday, March 23, 2018

365.3: WEEKS 10 & 11

Hello? Is there anyone still out there? I sort of neglected the blog, but I have good reasons. First, spring break. It tried to kill me. Entertaining six kids for a week is no easy feat, so I was pretty wiped. Second, new job. I was recently hired to teach English to children in China. I taught my first couple of students, which requires me waking up at 4am. Still not use to the hours. Third, editing photos. I took on the insane project of photographing my husband's entire family. Thats 46 faces, btw. And I have yet to photograph the mr.'s mom and dad. I. am. TIRED. But it's me, so I do ALL THE THINGS. I've got a few posts in the works... First up, two weeks ago. Learning to fly solo on a bike. Auditioning for the school play. Enjoying the park with friends. Playing computer games at the library. Roasting marshmallows at a desert bonfire. Hiking (and gymansticing) at Flat Iron. Waiting out front for dad.
March 5th - March 11th

Still here? Good, because I've got photos from spring break, too. Photographing my niece. Day trip to the Grand Canyon with a friend. Teaching my first Chinese student. Hiking in the Superstitions with a friend. Playing at the park with a cousin. Posing for St. Patrick's Day pictures. Visiting Mimi and Papa on a Sunday evening.
March 12th - March 18th

1 comment:

  1. Ooh Leigh, I love how you are literally balancing everything with style. (even when sometimes you feel like you're not) Looking good my friend!

    And yes, I've been checking regularly to see when I could see you and what you've been up to.
