Monday, April 25, 2016

365.2: WEEK 16

Before I get to the pictures, let me share a little snippet of our weekend that wasn't captured (by my camera). The boys had Fathers & Sons from Friday afternoon until Saturday morning. Upon returning home - minutes before I had to leave for a newborn photo shoot - the mr. proclaims, "We should go to the aquarium together this afternoon." WHAT. Camping wasn't enough? We decide on it and I go off to work for a few hours. After the session, I return home right as the kids are waking up from naps. Perfect timing. We whisk everyone away in a flurry of excitement and activity (I mean, not out of the norm when going ANYWHERE with six kids, just adding dramatic flare) and we go to the aquarium. As we are unloading the kids from the car, it dawns on me that the diaper bag - along with our aquarium passes - is not in the car. It is on the kitchen table. FRUSTRATION. Meltdown. Give up. Tears. IDEA! The mr. had talked about wanting to go on a family hike at some point, so why not now (despite improper footwear and lack of water)? We drive a couple miles north and arrive at Papago Park. Hole in the Rock. Up and down in 30 minutes. The kids did well and loved the view. It was fabulous. What could have been a disastrous fail of an outing ended up being a spontaneous success of an adventure.
Now, for the 365. Our week was more or less the same as normal. Busy. Pouty faces, dirty feet, splash pads, school projects, Fathers & Sons, newborn sessions, and temple trips, for the win.
April 18th - April 24th

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