Friday, July 7, 2017


If you are looking for photos, there are none in this post. If you are looking for a fun story, not so much here. If you are looking for sunshine and rainbows, well... no.

This is the post about my car as a result of traveling to Idaho.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we took a camping trip. And my car wouldn't start. Bad battery that cost us just shy of $100. A day after returning, my father-in-law ran diagnostics on my car. A new fuse and mass airflow sensor later, another $100. This all on top of new tires back in April that ran us about $850. We have dropped a lot of money this year to keep my SUV running smoothly. And don't even get me started on the new $4600 transmission that my husband's truck needed two weeks after our camping trip. Or the ten days that we went with only one vehicle...

A question asked by my mother-in-law prior to my Idaho trip rings out as clear as a bell right now. "Do you think your car is going to make it on the trip?" Of course! I mean how could it not with a new battery? But now we know.

When my car started overheating at the Idaho state line, anxiety and stress hit me FULL FORCE. I began doubting everything about my choice to go to Idaho. I mean, what the hell do I know about cars? My husband likes to give me a hard time because half of the time I don't even think to check the gas gauge. And here I was, in nowhere Idaho with six kids, a teenager, and a car that's temperature gauge was in the red. Luckily, I knew more than I realized and immediately turned off the AC and pulled over to the side of the road. Luckily, there was a small town in the near distance that had a Chevron. And luckily, my car made it to the gas station without the engine blowing out. At Chevron, there were two helpful strangers that saw my distress and assisted me to the best of their abilities. Adding a gallon and a half of coolant allowed me to drive the remainder of the way to Rexburg, where my sister-in-law and her friends came to my aid. It wasn't until I called my dad that evening that I finally broke down and cried. Which was sort of random, looking back. But he reminded me that it couldn't have happened at a better time, in a better place, or around better people. And he was right. Bringing the car to a shop the next morning confirmed suspicions of a leak: the water pump. By that point, $450 felt better than what I had anticipated. And we were all set! Or so I thought...

When the engine light popped on at the Grand Canyon's North Rim, anxiety and anger flooded through me. Because WHAT. THE. HELL. At least with the 'engine coolant hot' sign, you know exactly what the problem is, even if you are unaware of the underlying cause. With an engine light, its anyone's guess until you run diagnostics. And of course, we were in a location with zero cellular service for 100+ miles. So I drove. And prayed that I at least made it SOMEWHERE other than the middle of NOWHERE. By the way, a lot of middle of nowhere up in Northern Arizona. But I made it to Cameron, which was when the 'check oil level' sign popped on. Which, frankly, pissed me off. Not willing to chance another issue, I added a quart and finished the final leg home. When my father-in-law ran diagnostics on the car a couple of days later and we realized it wasn't a quick or easy fix, I melted into a pile of gloom. And I've sort of stayed there since. You see, my engine overheating likely cause a cylinder in my engine to start misfiring. And now we are to the point where the more I drive my vehicle, the more I risk complete engine failure. Long story short, my SUV needs a new engine. And that runs about $6,000-$7,000. On top of the $6,000+ that we have already invested in cars IN THE LAST THREE MONTHS. First world problems, I know. Never the less, a problem. Because we don't have that kind of money in our savings. At the beginning of the year, we could have dealt with this blow a bit better. But not so much now. So if you and I have had any social interaction in the last week and a half, you have probably noticed that I am tightly wound. And this is why.

But the SUV is being fixed this next week. And we are renting a car to get us through until then. But dropping all this money? Yeah, it's not helping to ease my anxiety. So here it is. The final part of my Idaho posts. The part where I tell you just how much that trip cost me. Amazingly enough, in the end, it was still worth it.

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