Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Where do I even start? Six months ago, I thought I had an opportunity to travel to England this November. So I saved my money religiously and the mr. took off the corresponding time from work. As November drew closer, I realized just how mistaken I was - England was not meant to be. I was crushed. I still am. BUT it put me in a position where I had saved a nice chunk of change and, one day, a lightbulb went off in my head. I decided that I wanted to take my family to Disneyland. We have a 10 year plan as far as major trips go; this year, we went to SeaWorld. Next up is LegoLand in 2019. Disneyland isn't suppose to happen for our family until 2021 - four years from now. But I didn't want to wait any longer. And I had the means to make it happen NOW - not to mention the mr. already had the time off from work. Without saying a thing to our children, the mr. and I started planning. We inundated the littles with every Disney movie and Disney song that we could get our hands on. We talked about it regularly, but the kids KNEW our trip was still another four years away. They were entirely in the dark and it stayed that way until the morning of Disneyland - even after making the long drive to California the evening before...