Monday, April 30, 2018

365.3: WEEK 17

If you are on social media, you got a big dose of Leigh last week. I had a ridiculously intense anxiety attack at the doctor's office, which resulted in me being a hot mess. Things are fine and I'm no worse for wear, but I was NOT ready to hear that I need a slew of tests by a specialist because, well... money. time. energy. Things that I don't have to spare. Then again, health. So I am sucking it up and moving forward with the prescribed tests. I AM FINE. Just to be clear. But having an autoimmune disease means that I probably should have been seeing a specialist like a decade ago. Not even kidding. Oops. Last week. Ditching her afternoon nap. Crying over a doctor's appointment. Supporting our teachers. Marching to the Arizona State Capitol. Gearing up for Fathers & Sons campout. Doting on the girls while the boys are away. Taking the oldest to the Capitol for RedforEd.
April 23rd - April 29th

1 comment:

  1. Leigh, it sounds like you are in good hands. I know that you are being watched over and that prayers from the whole country over over being sent your way. Love you.
