Monday, June 4, 2018

365.3: WEEKS 21 & 22

Oi. I sure let that get away from me. The transition from school to summer break is ALWAYS hectic with our annual Memorial Day camping trip. And this year we upped the ante by making it a five-day adventure. Pictures tomorrow. Today, I will catch up on my 365. To start, two weeks ago. Running after my longest break in nearly two years (of 8 days... but I have now gone longer thanks to poor health and camping). Birthday Girl. Receiving an award. Last day of school. Finding the perfect place to pitch our tent. Enjoying ice cream in Pine with friends. Relaxing in a hammock with a good book.
May 21st - May 27th 

Now onto last week. Last week was spent camping and then recovering from camping. We also got our summer routine nailed down so that we are [somewhat] effective with our time. Our week. Roasting hotdogs over the propane fire pit. Soaking up the last bit of our time in the forest. Birthday boy (five days late). Digging for insect specimens. Enjoying some Bahama Bucks. 11 year anniversary. Wearing ALL OF THE PURPLE THINGS.
May 28th - June 3rd

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