Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Let's clear the air. I posted a cryptic photo on Instagram yesterday and received quite the reaction. Got to admit, it was fun to sit back and smile as more and more people added their confused comments. To clarify, yes. It IS what you think. We will have five in a little over the same number of years. Crazy, I KNOW.
To satisfy your curiosity:
We were pretty confident Nene was our last. But then the Big Man made it known that someone was missing - a feeling that was difficult to swallow. You see, I have been quite the opposite of baby hungry.  We were balanced with four kids. HAPPY with four kids. And dang if I didn't get my body in the best shape ever! But I knew how I would feel always wondering about that other one. The one we could have had. So we gave it a shot. Said we would try x number of months. After 2 weeks, I grew selfish and decided if it didn't happen THAT month, it wasn't happening. I had plans for the next several months; hiking the Grand Canyon, doing a triathlon, running a marathon, participating in a Ragnar. BIG plans that would not be possible if pregnant. Guess what. The Big Man was listening. And I am pregnant. Guess He knew I was serious. The good news is, ALL of those things will be around next year. Bad news is, I have to wait. But now I wont have to wonder who is missing; they will be part of our family in December or January. Fingers crossed Nene gets a sister; we have zero boy stuff... oops.


  1. You're CRAZY! But in a good way! Congrats!

  2. Love your stinkin guts!!!! Thank you for posting this. It's a prefect example of obedience and I know you'll be blessed because of it. Even if it's in the form of baby boy things... ;)

  3. you sneaky woman you! love this surprise!! congratulations! if only i could convince chris that we need just one more :) and yes nene needs a sister. :)

  4. Yea! Congratulations! What a great example of faith. :)
