Monday, June 3, 2013


Bubs and Nene had birthdays recently, so we had a double date with the doctor. I WAS planning to take pictures, but things didn't exactly go as planned. Yesterday, during our daily "reading time", Jojo accidentally hit Bubs in the face with a book. We didn't think much of it until Bubs started complaining about his eye. Mother's intuition told me to take him into urgent care to have it checked out, so the mr. did just that while I took the other 3 to church. Turns out Bubs has a corneal abrasion or, in layman's terms, a scratched eye. A fairly large scratch at that. Poor guy has not been himself since. Clutches his little rice owl cold pack for comfort. Covers his eye with his hand for a bit of relief. Falls asleep instantly throughout the day when he closes his eye for a rest. It's so sad. And maybe a tad pathetic. The doc checked it out today to see how it is healing. Slow going, but there has been some recovery. We just need to keep an eye on it. Ha. No pun intended. Otherwise, Bubs is a healthy 2 year old.
Nene was below the charts in weight last time we were in. And on her way off the charts for height. I am happy to say that she is back on the charts for weight, albeit in the 7th percentile. She is nearly 50th percentile for height. Yay. Her eczema is out of control, but there is not much we can do outside of what we are already doing. I hate seeing the sores all over her little body, but looks like it is just going to stay that way for a while. Poor girl got 3 shots today. Was all out of sorts about it, too. But she is a healthy 1 year old, which is all I ask for. I am glad my littles are growing right on track.

1 comment:

  1. Tatum scratched my cornea when she was an infant. . . so painful. I went to an eye surgeon who previously was the eye doctor for the Cleveland Browns. The good news is that the eye recovers quickly. The bad new is that eye injuries are so painful. The football players complained that this was the most pain they ever endured. Hope your little guys is well!
