Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I have been doing a lot of running lately. And I add to my distance each week. Seven and a half miles last Saturday. Which gives me a LOT of time to think. A majority of my thoughts are on the new year. Goals. Desires. Priorities. Who I want to be as a parent, as a blogger, and as a photographer. I made a shocking discovery while running the other day: I already know who I am and what I want. I am a parent that spends too much time coexisting with my children. I want to be more involved, to strengthen my relationships with my children. I am a blogger that feels pressured to be what is popular in the blogging community. I want to write and express MYSELF without feeling restrictions that don't truly exist. And I am a photographer that has taken any job to increase experience. I want to focus on photographing real moments that create visual memories. What does this mean? Less time on the computer and iPad and more time on the floor playing with cars or on the couch reading books. Less time blogging about recipes, teaching tools, etsy finds, and healthy habits and more time just expressing myself. Less time photographing family portraits and more time capturing life as it occurs. I am learning to reject what I feel society expects of me as a blogging mom and photographer. Because I just don't care. I want to be ME. And what I have been doing for the past four months just isn't cutting it. I am breaking free. I am being REAL.


  1. I love this! I can totally relate. And hey, if you want to gain experience in lifestyle photography, I'm willing to offer my little family as models :)
