Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Oh boy.

I have been trying to learn patience. Which sort of feels like a joke as I am the most impatient person I know. So impatient, I once cut my own hair because my neighbor/friend/"sister"/hairstylist would not do it on a Sunday and I just couldn't wait until Monday. Fail. Or take look at the spacing of my children: 12 months - 20 months - 12 months. Most people put an average of 2.5 years between children, but I couldn't wait that long (and honestly, 20 months felt like forever). Now that we feel done with adding to our family, I feel like I can focus a lot more energy into exercising patience. The one thing I remind myself daily is that my little ones have a completely different time table than I do. Tasks that I feel should take less than 60 seconds always seem to last at least 10 minutes. And I need to learn to be okay with that. By doing as I have asked, they are proving that they are listening and striving to do their best. Which is ultimately the most important thing. So I need to relax and stop rushing them constantly. And lets not even get started on patience in matters of money or physical fitness... I know patience is something that I will never master, but I do know that it something I can continuously improve upon.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista! I too have a hard time with being patient... but i know that that is an important part of being a mommy! :) And let's agree to TOTALLY AGREE on the money and fitness --- so frustrating sometimes, but here's hoping for a totally hot bod and our Circle G Ranch homes!
